
Fugitive, Simon Tedeschi’s first book, straddles the borders of poetry and prose, fiction and fact, trauma and testimony, filled with what Russian poet Konstantin Balmont called “the fickle play of rainbows.”


Simon Tedeschi is quite often described by respected critics and musical peers as one of the finest artists in the world making the young pianist’s mark on music both undeniable and admirable. As a writer, Tedeschi has also garnered acclaim as a writer, with his first book Fugitive receiving rave reviews.


Click to read about some of Simon’s illustrious companions on stage

Critical Acclaim

Some of Simon’s reviews over the years from publications in Europe, the US and Australia


March 11 – Lane Cove Music , NSW, with George Washingmachine

March 19 – The Great Synagogue, with Yamen Saadi, violin tickets HERE

March 22 – Avoca Picture Theatre with George Washingmachine band
May 24 – with Sally Walker, flute, Yass Music Club
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